Influence Of Triple Omega Fatty Acid (Omega 3,6,9)

Influence Of Triple Omega Fatty Acid (Omega 3,6,9)
      Fatty acids play bio vital role in biological life, one of the most important fatty acid triple omega. These fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids, two from them are essential where the body cannot able to synthesis them (Omega 3 & 6), while the other is essential fatty acid the body can synthesis it but this need adequate amount from Omega 3, and 6. Each type of omega fatty acids has own chemical structure, sources, and functions. Triple omega play essential role in protect the human body from heart attack. It is very necessary to make balance between triple omega dose, the high level lead to deposition of fats in the body, and this lead to several healthy problem.
Natural Foods and healthy benefits for triple Omega are as follows :-

                                              Omega 3

Natural FoodsBiological Benefits
1. Salmon Fisha) Reduce risk of Heart attack,
through decrease
the level of cholesterol
2. Mackerelb) Anti- Inflammatory
3. Eggsc) Lower blood pressure
4. Fruitsd) Treatment of Various disease such as
Asthma, Diabetes,
5. Grainse) Osteoporosis, Arthritis,
and Some Cancers.
6. Brazil Nuts
7. Mustard Seeds
8. Pumpkin Seeds
9. Green Leafy Vegetables

                                     Omega 6

Natural FoodsBiological Benefits
1.Seeds      a) Reduce risk for developing
type 2 diabetes
2. Nuts      b) Reduce the level of Cholesterol
3. Grains       c) Treatment of allergy and
Multiple sclerosis.
4. Green Leaf Vegetables
5. Cold vegetables oils
6. Brazil Nuts
*Note:- Omega 6 should be taken as much as Omega 3 in the Ratio of 2:1

                                 Omega 9

Natural FoodsBiological Benefits
1. Almonds a) Reduces Bad Cholesterol(LDL) and
Increasing Good Cholesterol (HDL)
in bloodstream.
2.Macadamia Nuts    b) Form myelin sheath as cover to protect
3. Chia seed oil    c) Weight Loss
4. Olives & Olive Oil    d) Eye Disorder
5. Avocados    e) Heart Disease
6. Pecans    f) Immune system
7. Pistachios
8. Cashews

Some Side effects may occur when intake larger doses of Triple Omega includes:-

a) Skin Rashes or Itching
b) Dizziness
c) Swelling of Tongue, face or throat
d) Breathing problem

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