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How To Start A Profitable Blog In 2022: Free Ultimate Guide

How To Start A Profitable Blog In 2022: Free Ultimate Guide

Want to know How To Start A Profitable Blog In 2022?

Nowadays everyone wants to start blogging. Blogging has become a hobby in today’s time.

Are you also upset with your desk job and want to earn money by becoming self-employed?

So this is your right decision.

At first, you feel a little scared at the thought of where to start a blog. You are going to take the first step in starting a blog. You do not need to be afraid. We are with you. We will tell you how to start a blog from scratch on WordPress. This will help you start blogging.

Because many people want to set up their own business after getting upset with everyday office and job life. Some people have good knowledge and want to share it with others. So those people should start a blog today.

Many Peoples thinks is it worth starting a blog in 2022.

Remember this is a 2022 and competition in blogging has increased a lot this year. So if you are thinking of starting a good career in blogging then this is the right time. ⏰

“You would think that it would be very difficult to creating your own blog but it is not difficult.”

Wait, but it is very difficult for those people who are not aware of it.

Don’t worry after reading this post. We guarantee 100% you will easily create your own blog or website in under 20 minutes.

Never make this mistake in blogging which many beginner bloggers do?

Every day, more than 500 people start blogging. Yet, only a few can make a career in blogging. Due to which the remaining bloggers are disappointed and decide to left blogging.

There is no fault of theirs. There are many reasons behind this. The start of blogging is wrong. Their work is bad. They have no experience in blogging or lack the right information about it. I do not want you to start your blog the wrong way.

So, I am going to tell you about some of the tactics that I have used already. Considering all these factors, we have decided to create the ultimate guide on starting a blog for free. You can make money without any technical knowledge.

So, when you start a blog, to achieve success then you have to plan everything well in advance.

My special thoughts: Blogging is a very wonderful thing. It will give you a lot of freedom in life, which you can’t even imagine. It is also a never-ending learning experience that requires patience and the right resources. You have to blog with hard work. After that, no one can stop you from creating a successful blog.
I want to start blogging but do not know how to start. If you have the same question, you can read this post till the last.
Whether it is your Personal blog or Business blog, we will guide you with the exact steps. You will learn how to start a blog successfully in the shortest possible time. By using that, you can create a successful blog in under 20 minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to start a Blog in 2022 ?
How To Start A Profitable Blog In 2022 ?
Starting a blog on WordPress requires several things. You need a domain name. You also need hosting. If you have these two things then you can easily create a WordPress blog.

After that, you can make your blog from scratch in under 20 minutes. For which you have to follow the process, I will tell you the exact steps to starting a blog. Out of this, you do not have to miss a single step, take special care of this. In this post, I will tell you some best ways to start a blog for free in WordPress.

Choosing a blog niche is challenging for a beginner blogger. Many bloggers get confused about which topic to choose for blogging.

If you have complete knowledge about the blog niche, then it is very easy to choose a blog niche. However, deciding on a blog niche that will get you maximum traffic is very difficult.

Here we are telling you 5 easy steps. With these steps, you can choose the perfect niche for your blog. You can also make more income from your blog.

Let’s start with the first step.

Choose Right Blog Niche

  1. Your Interest And passion:
    When you are choosing a niche for a blog, you must first find your interest. Understanding your passion is the most important thing. Because this is such a thing, on which you increase your chances of success in blogging.

You are going to start a fresh and good blog. First, you have to know on which topic to make the blog. You do not have to hurry up.

I have seen many bloggers. They first think that another blogger has made blogs related to tech. Then, they decide to make a blog on tech themselves. But you should not do this. If you do not have full knowledge of a topic, then selecting this type of niche is not useful. Otherwise, the blogging can stop before it starts.

I’m not demotivated you at all here.

Rather, I am trying to tell that it is fun to work in whatever we have an interest in. We will tell you How can we recognize our interest and passion.

First of all, you should look inside yourself to see what we have more interest in.
What is such a thing that I can explain better than others which no one else can.
Remember one thing. Once you have chosen the topic of your blog, you will have to research and write on the same topic for the next several years.
Apart from that, you also know that blogging is a long process. You will have to spend more time writing content and discovering the best thing for the readers.
Before choosing a good blog topic, you have to know your passion and find a topic on which you can write fresh and new information regularly.
When you know what your Passion is, then after that you have to ask yourself some questions.

Why is the thing you are interested in?
Do you really like to research and read about that topic?
Where did you get the inspiration for the work you want to do?
Why do you want to do what you want to do?
Do you feel happy doing what you want to do?
When you will not be able to earn from this topic for months, would you like to write about selected topic?
If you are getting positive answers to all these questions by yourself, then this means the niche is perfect for you.

Secrete Tip: If you want to have success in blogging, then you should choose the topic according to your interest. Do not compare yourself to anyone else and know what talent is in yourself and make your blog on it.

  1. Your Knowledge:
    How much knowledge do you have related to whatever niche you are choosing?

It is obvious that if you will choose a topic for your blog, then it is very important to have enough knowledge about it . If you have very good information on that topic, then you will be able to explain to the readers well in your post.

If you have done a little research in blogging, you have found such top blogs like Shoutmeloud, Brian Dean, Adam Enfroy.

Shoutmeloud: Shout Me Loud is India’s fastest and one of the famous blogs which is founder of Harsh Agrawal. He writes about Blogging, WordPress, Affiliate Marketing, SEO and Make Money Online.

Adam Enfroy: This blog is especially based on Affiliate marketing and Blogging. This is a very popular blog. Also, teaches you how to Make Money Online, Start Blog and Affiliate marketing.

Backlinko: Brian Dean is the founder of this blog and here he provides information about how to grow in internet marketing and SEO to their readers.

Why is the popularity of all these blogs so high?

“The main reason for this is that they generate unique content for their readers, which are very helpful for their readers.”

You must have also heard about NEIL PATEL,

How thousands of social shares come from each of post them?
Why do every of their posts always rank in a good position in the search engine?
The biggest reason for this is his great knowledge and in their article, they explain to the readers according to their experience. He writes his articles in more words and google search engine likes long and fresh content.

Blogging is not just about making money, getting traffic for the Audience, and writing similar content from other blogs. If you have good knowledge about a topic in blogging, then you can do good blogging for a long term by writing fresh content.
If you have chosen a topic in which you feel that I have the most knowledge about this topic, then you have to ask yourself these questions,

Will you be able to regularly share new information on the topic you have chosen?
Do you have fresh ideas about the topic that your audience likes?
Can you write an article of 3000+ words on the same topic right now?
If you get an answer of Yes, then there is enough information about the niche and you have passed this step and let’s go further.

  1. Check and Analyze the Level of Competition:
    Every day the competition in blogging is increasing and in this phase, if you select any niche for your blog, there are already many blogs on the same niche. In such a situation, if you also have to come in the top ranking, then you need to do analysis.

If there are more blogs related to the same niche, then it becomes a bit difficult to make a successful blogger. But here solution is Competition analysis.

For this, you have to check the DA (Domain Authority) and PA (Page Authority) of your competitor’s site and you have to do more DA and PA of your site than DA and PA of their site. Google likes sites whose domain authority is more than 50.

If you want to increase DA and PA, always try to choose a new topic. Because if more than 200 blogs have already been created on top of a niche. After selecting such a niche, it is a bit difficult to compete.

If you have success in blogging, when you select the niche, then you should also get sufficient information about your competitors.

For this, you can analyze the below Questions.

How many daily visitors are there on his blog and which posts audience like more?
How often daily and weekly publish new posts?
What kind of content do they write related to their niche? (Structure of Writing)
What is the word length of the post that he/she writes and what is the quality of this Posts?
After knowing all these details, then you will be go ahed.

  1. Select Multi-Topic to Target Audience:
    I explain you above that if there are too many blogs related to a niche, then it can be a bit difficult for you to compete. In such a situation, you can target the audience. For this, you have to find such topics on which competition is less. This increases the chances of increasing traffic on your blog.

For example, if you have chosen Blogging as your primary niche and there is more competition because there will be many blogs related to blogging.

So in this situation, you can target the audience by choosing a fresh niche. But the audience should be interested on that topics.

For example, if you select the Fashion niche with this blogging niche, then there are more chances of getting traffic on it. Always remember that the less competition, you can get more audience traffic.

So you choose the niche accordingly.

  1. The profitability of the niche
    So let’s talk about Revenue,

Can you earn a good income in the future from the Niche you have selected? Because, you have to know whether more traffic can come on this Niche for generate more income?

There are some niche that you can earn a lot of money in less traffic, but the niche is also in which you will not be able to make more income despite having a lot of traffic.

You have to think that below things,

Can I sell affiliate marketing product?
Can I sell digital products from this niche?
Because I have seen many such sites in which traffic is very less and their earning is in lakh’s.

How much income you will earn from blogging depends on the niche of your blog.
Everyone needs money. In such a situation, if you also want to earn from blogging, then it is important to select a profitable Niche. You should focus on smart work more than hard work.

No blogger starts making money overnight. So you have to have some patience.

Now you must have asked the question whether to select a profitable niche but how to find out whether it is profitable or not?

So the answer is below.

To see how much ranking of keywords of Niche you are choosing and how much CPC (Cost per click) offers.
You have to find blogs related to your niche and see how much money your competitors are generating from it.
How can you do monetization on selected Niche, try to find it like Advertisement, Affiliate Marketing, Digital Products Sell.
May get a chance to write a paid post in the future?
You have to find a related blog from your related Niche and see which ways he is earning on blogs.
If you are still confused and you are having trouble in choosing a good Niche, then follow the simple steps.

Take a pen and paper and write down whatever Niche you like. Like I have told you the quality below.
After that, crosscheck with whatever Niche you have written. And we have to match with the above functionality.
Until you get a good Niche, you have to keep cross-checking later, then you have to select one of them.
Once you picked the topic, you have to move forward.

The Domain name selection is the first step to take your blog towards success. If you want success in blogging, then you have to think of a good name which will become your identity in the future.

Blogging is a kind of business and it needs branding. If your domain name is good, then with the help of this, your blog also gets good ranking in the search engine.

So let’s first see what is a domain name?
Whenever a website is created on the Internet, it is given an IP address means Internet Protocol. Which is in digits format. For example, Google IP address is The IP address consists of four numbers, ranging from 0 to 255 But remembering of such an IP address proves very difficult for every person.

Every website has a different domain name. As our website name is This is a Domain name and this domain name is simple to remember. But if you type the IP address instead of the domain then it is difficult to read and remember to any person.

The format of the domain name is something like this.
http: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
www: World Wide Web
google: Domain Name
com: Domain Extension
If you want to choose the domain name of the blog, so your domain name matches the main topic. Like our domain myDigit. Here we can share the information about WordPress and Blogging to our audience. It includes everything from blogging to SEO guide.

So friends, now we come to our main topic which is about,

Select high-quality domain name

  1. Main Topic of your blog: If you have to choose a high-quality domain, then first you have to see the main topic of your blog. Such as any topic can be, technology, travel, foods and by choosing one of these topics, you have to write the domain name for your blog. Try to use keywords in your topic for good SEO Optimization.
  2. Keep it simple and short: Domain name is short then it is good, people remember it easily and they can also open our site by typing URL directly. You must have noticed that all the popular websites in google’s search engine are named in 8 to 12 words.

I am saying this because if your domain name is short then visitors remember it quickly. The biggest advantage of this is that if someone talks to your blog about a relative or friends, then he will be able to speak the name of your blog easily. This will increase your visitors and you will get good views too.

  1. It should be a little unique: If you want to do something new in blogging, then you have to think something different. I have seen that many new bloggers make this mistake, which is popular sites, add a little bit to their domain and register their new domain and if you are thinking of doing this then it is totally wrong. Because it will only disappoint you. If you want to have success in blogging, then your domain should have some different names so that you can make an identity.
  2. Top-Level Domain Name Extension : After deciding the topic of the blog, you have to think about the extension of your blog. Try the .com extension domain. Because this extension is very popular. By the way, you can also use .net or .org and if you want to create a blog for your country only, then you can also choose a country-wise domain extension. Such as .in, .uk, .us etc. But it is not a popular domain extension.

Hmm, is there any tool by which we can generate the domain name? Now I am going to make your work easier. Sounds Good.

Here are 2 popular domain name generator:

Shopify Name Generator
Name Station
You can easily generate the domain name from the tools I mentioned above. You will get the idea of ​​domain name.

Here you have to open Shopify Name Generator and just enter the Business name and click to the Generate name.

Enter Domain name for Generate name on Shopify
After that more than 100 business names will be shown in front of you. You can select any name from it.

Generate Domain name on Shopify
If you are still confused in choosing the domain name, then I tell you a simple trick that will make it easier for you to choose the domain name.

First of all, you have to take a pen and paper. After that whatever domain name you are getting in your mind. List them.
Then you have to check which domain in that list is right for your blog.
After that, sharing that list with any member in your friends and family, they have to ask which domain name would be better for your blog.
After cross-checking you can select the domain name.
Golden Tip: Think of the domain name of the blog 100 times before registering. So, later on, you don’t have any problem with that name. Because once you have bought a domain, you blogging on it and that domain gets ranked (SEO) on google. In such a situation, if you think of changing the domain name in the future, then it is not good for your blog according to SEO.
Now it’s time to purchase the domain name
By the way, there are many companies selling domains online and the total cost of a single domain is in the range of $ 10 to $ 15 per year. So if you want to get a good domain then you can buy from GoDaddy, Networks Solutions. You can purchase from wherever you are.

If you want a free domain name for First Year with Hosting, you can try Bluehost. Right now, 63% off is going on Bluehost.

Once you have picked your domain name, let’s move on to the next step.

Now we have to move towards the most important thing that is Hosting.

To create a blog, we need a domain and hosting. You cannot run a blog without hosting or domain.

Just like a person cannot stand without a spine, you cannot run a blog without hosting. We can also called a backbone.

Choosing hosting is a challenging task. Because your entire site depends on your hosting.

I know that beginner blogger will not know much about hosting, so let me tell you here.

First of all, we understand What is web hosting?
Web hosting is a service that allows all the necessary files of our websites such as posts and pages on the internet.
There are as many files running our website as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. Hosting works to store and maintain all files and in return, we have to give some charges to the hosting company.

So you must be thinking how does a website show on the internet?

So the answer is that the one who shows our website on the internet is not a human being is the automated system which is always working 24×7. Here the server plays an important role. Whenever a user opens our site, then this system displays the content of our site in front of the user and the server does this work.

For example, our site is .When the reader hits this URL in the browser, it immediately shows our site. This is because in this backend we have stored some such files which display a website. (Files like HTML, CSS, etc.)

There are many hosting companies that offer hosting with first-year domain name free. But if you already have a domain, you can connect both of them together by connecting the DNS address of the domain to the hosting server.

A lot of things depend on your hosting, such as loading speed, optimization and most importantly SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

You will not know, but if your website speed is not fast, then there are a lot of problems in getting indexed in google ranking. Which can also cause your keywords ranking and difficult to rank. So to avoid this, you have to choose a user-friendly, fast loaded, best review, and good customer support hosting company.

How to choose the best hosting company and what should be the quality of hosting?
To choose the best hosting, you have to keep a few things in mind.

  1. Server Response time: According to the Google Algorithm, along with good content, it is also necessary to have the best design and a faster server is needed to speed up the site. In the market, a lot of companies claim that our hosting server is fast. But few of them are such companies whose server is very fast laded.

Now you will think about how to check server response time and how much should be there?

So the answer is, you can check server response time with the help of Google page speed tool and you should use a web hosting whose server response time is under 200 ms.

  1. High Uptime Guarantee: Uptime means how long your site stays online. The higher Uptime of your site, the more organic traffic you will get. Many companies claim that our company gives 99.9% Uptime. But only a few of them are such that give exact Uptime.

Never buy cheap web hosting so that you have to regrate later.

  1. Disk Space, and Bandwidth: Web host server runs only on two things, which is Disk Space, and Bandwidth. How much time it takes to load the website depends on Bandwidth. If you want to get good web hosting, then definitely confirm about these two things.

Disk Space: As much as less disk space, there may be problem in storing more resources. You cannot scale your website too much by taking hosting with less disk space. Therefore, if possible, you have to purchase hosting with unlimited disk space.

Bandwidth: How many people can access your website simultaneously, it depends on Bandwidth. How much Bandwidth is required for your website or depends on your website traffic.

  1. Multiple Features: We have to choose the same hosting which has more features. A lot of hosting company provides very few features, due to which we can be able to invest more money.

SSL Certificate: This is the most important thing is that if your site is not secure, then Google does not rank the site. In such a situation, if you have to make SSL certificate for your site, then you choose such hosting which provides for free.

Here you can also Secure your site with cloudflare to activate free SSL.

Know the Backup Plan: The data of the site is very important and a good web host company keeps taking automatic backups of its customers’ website daily or weekly, in such a situation, the web host company that takes regular backups should always choose for their website. Its advantage will be that if your website is hacked, crashes, then you will not have care of data.

Security Features: Every day thousands of websites are being hacked, there is an important role of Web Hosting Server for the security of your website, you should take care of the following security features.

Malware Removal
Network firewall
Hotlink and Password Protection
Brute-force Protection
Server monitoring

  1. Technical Support: This is the most important thing because if you face any problem in hosting, technical support should also be the best and fast response. A good company provides 24 × 7 support to its customers through various mediums such as live chat, IM, email, or phone. When we buy a new web hosting, for this you can take the help of the technical support team of the web hosting provider.

All the features we have discussed above not all of them will be in one hosting. Therefore, I am going to tell you about a hosting that has all the quality mentioned above.

I will recommend you Hostinger my site is also hosted on the Hostinger

How to purchase hosting From Hostinger?
myDigit is hosted on Hostinger and we use GoGeeks plan.

I have never encountered any difficulty in using Hostinger so far. So that’s why I highly recommend Hostinger if you want to make a successful business blog, then Hostinger is the best for you.

So here we will guide step by step to purchase a domain and hosting at Hostinger, follow these steps.

Step 1: Click here to claim Idea on Hostinger for beginners bloggers.

After that, a pricing screen will open in front of you where you have to select the plan.

Hostinger Pricing Page

Step 2: Here we use Premium Plan but if you are a beginner blogger and want to invest less in the beginning then you can choose the startup plan ( Single Web Hosting for 1 website) and click on Get Plan button.

Step 3: Choose a Domain Name

Now you have to enter the domain name. Here you will see two options. 1. register a new domain 2. I already have a domain. We told you how to select the domain name. After selecting the domain you can register the domain here.

Register Domain name on Hostinger

  1. Register a New Domain: If you are a beginner blogger and you are going to register a new domain name, then you can register a new domain name here.
  2. I already have a domain: If you have purchased a domain from a third-party company, then enter the name of that domain here.

Once you have entered a domain name, click the proceed button.

Step 4: Fill Your Account Details

Review and complete Hostinger billing
When you complete the above steps, the final screen will now show in front of you. Where you will see three sections.

  1. Account Information: Here you have to enter an email address and password.
  2. Client Information: In this section, fill up your name, city, country, address and phone number.

Step 5: Enter Your Credit/Debit Card Information

Payment information form Hostinger

  1. Payment Information: In this section, you have to fill the card details of whatever payment method you want to buy hosting with Hostinger. (Visa, Mastercard, and Discover are accepted)

Step 6: Agree to terms and conditions & Click The Proceed Button

Agree Terms and Conditions Siteground
Here you will see two check-boxes. First of all, you have to read carefully and accept the terms and conditions in the check-box (It is Mandatory).

In the second check-box, if you want to get special offers or news notification from Siteground on your email, then you can select it.

After selecting the check-box, you have to click on Pay Now and wait. This process may take some time. After that, you have to check your email where you will get the email for your account related details.

You have successfully purchased hosting and domain from Siteground. Now all you have to do is focus on making a blog.

So let’s go ahead and install WordPress on Hostinger.

When we buy hosting and domain, after that we have to choose a platform where we can start a blog as a business. There are many platforms available for blogging. Where you can easily manage your blog and contents.

But now the question arises that Which is the best platform to start a blog?

Blogger or WordPress

This are two popular platforms for blogging and most of the bloggers make their own blog on this platform.

If you want to become a successful blogger, then you have to choose the best blogging platform because if your start is not right then you cannot become a successful blogger.
There is a lot of confusion in it right now because as much as people avoid Blogspot due to fewer features, they like WordPress because of its more features and more powerful dashboard.

Here we will personally recommend you WordPress. Here is a reason why we are recommending you to WordPress, we will explain it.

  1. Complete control on your blog:
    WordPress is an open-source software. This means that you can modify it at your own will and can add functionality to whatever you want. If you want to create a website for your company, then you can easily create it through WordPress.

There are thousands of plugins in, by downloading it, you can do all the work in minutes. It also saves your time and you can also do smart work.

  1. High security:
    WordPress is the best in terms of security because you get a lot of security plugins. One of the best security plugins is Sucuri is made for WordPress. With the help of which you can optimize the blog and make it secure. There are many WordPress plugins, which protect your blog from hackers and also help in keeping your blog secure.
  2. Time-saving:
    You already know how important is the time nowadays. In today’s time, time is considered equal to money and I believe that time is the most precious thing in our life and nothing is better in our life than time. If you want to amend a theme or update a code in WordPress, you can do it easily. In this, you can optimize the blog with very little time.
  3. The No # 1 platform for SEO:
    SEO in WordPress is very easy and can be done in just one click. WordPress is SEO friendly and has many free and premium plugins, with the help of which you can easily improve the SEO of your blog. In this you can install the SEO by Yoast plugin or Rank math Plugin, which is the best plugin for SEO.
  4. The best platform to earn money:
    Who does not want money nowadays? If seen through earning money, WordPress is the best because in WordPress you can earn money from your blog or website in all ways. In WordPress, you can earn millions from affiliate marketing, Google AdSense, and other networks. You do not have any restrictions on this.

So now I think your whole doubt must have been clear that why should I choose the WordPress platform for blogging.

So let’s go ahead and install WordPress on Hostinger Hosting.

Many people think that installing WordPress is not easy but there is nothing like it. If you know all the steps of WordPress installations properly, then you can easily start a blog website for free in a few minutes. For this, you follow us carefully.

Step 1: First of all, you have to log in to your account details by visiting Siteground website.

Once you successfully logged in your Siteground dashboard then a screen will open in front of you and you will see an orange colored button on which the Setup Site will be written. Just click on this button to start setting up your WordPress site.

Setup WordPress on SiteGround
Step 2: Now you will see two boxes which is the Start New Website and Migrate website. Here you have to click on the Select button appearing near the start new website option.

Start New Website with Siteground
Step 3: Now you have to choose the application. If we are going to make our blog on WordPress so here you need to select WordPress.

Choose Application for install site in Hostinger

Step 4: Now you have to fill up the installation details. Where you have to enter email id and password. Remember that you have to fill this details carefully. Because later we have to login to the WordPress dashboard with this help.

Setup WordPress Login Details Hostinger
Step 5: After entering Email ID and Password, you have to click on the Continue button at the bottom. After clicking you will get a message like this on the next screen.

Process of creation of your website is starting 2
This means the process of creation of your website is starting, it may take some time. You will receive an email notification as soon as the installation is complete.

Just Relax and sit back and wait for installation.

Congrats you have successfully installed WordPress.

Wait, Wait

We have one more work left.

If you have purchased both domain and hosting from Hostinger, then you do not need to make any changes in it, you will get instant access to the WordPress dashboard.

Just open any browser and enter in the search bar and hit it. These steps are easy those users who have purchased both domain and hosting from Hostinger.

But in case if you have purchased your domain from other domain registrars like GoDaddy and any other, then you will have to do some additional steps with the help of which you can live the blog.

Now you must be wondering what is the problem now how to do this?

So I want to tell you that there is no big rocket science in it. We are just going to connect our third party domain name with Siteground Hosting. In this process, you have only update the nameservers of the domain.

How to Point Your Domain Name to Your Web Host
Step 1: First of all you will see the menu at the top, there you have seen websites section, just click on it, After that, you will see a 3 dot vertical icon in front of your domain name and have to click on it and select the server details.

Find Name Server details in Hostinger
Step 2: There will be a pop-up show in front of the screen. Now you have to just copy the NS1 and NS2 code and paste it in the notepad or any other text editor.

One thing you have to take care of is to copy-paste both the name server code separately.

Siteground server details
Step 3: Now you have to login on the third-party domain registrars website. As our domain has been purchased from Network Solutions, then we will login in the Network Solutions account dashboard.

Note: If you buy the domain name from any other provider also, the same process has to be followed for that. Just you will see the difference in the UI, the rest of the process is the same.

Step 4: Now a screen will open in front of you. In which you have to click on My domain names.

Network Solutions Domain manager
Step 5: After that you have to click on Change where domain points button.

Manage Domain names in Network Solutions
Step 6: Now you have to select the Domain Name Server (DNS) option here because here we have to point this domain with another hosting provider.

Pointing Domain name
Step 7: Now clear the existing name server if any appearing and then finally enter your both the name server you copied earlier from your Siteground dashboard (NS1 first and then NS2).

Domain name server details fill up
And finally, you have to click on the Submit button.

After that, you will show a message like this.

Pointing Complete
It may take at least 20-30 minutes for the domain name to be pointing. The WordPress dashboard will not open until your domain is properly pointed. So you have to wait a little bit.

Congratulations, you have successfully pointed the domain name with another Hosting.

How to login to WordPress Dashboard
When we point the domain successfully then it’s time to log in to your WordPress dashboard and see your live blog.

Open any browser and type in the search bar and hit it.

After that, you have to enter credentials to login to the WordPress Dashboard. When we were installing WordPress on Siteground, the username and password we entered at that time. The same username and password put in this credentials box.

WordPress Dashboard Login
Once you logged in to the WordPress Dashboard, a screen like this will open in front of you.

WordPress SiteGround Setup Install Complete
Here I will explain briefly, if you have to do detailed study, then click here.

Posts: In this section, you can create a new post and with that, you can manage all such operations like create categories, create tags and edit post.
Media: All the images, videos, PDF files we have to upload in WordPress are managed in this section.
Pages: In this, you can create new pages. like homepage, privacy policy, About us
Comments: To approve and delete all the comments, to manage it in this section.
Appearance: Here you can customize the new themes, setup the wordpress theme menu, and manage all the theme files.
Plugins: Here you will see many plugins. Whatever plugin you have to install, you can manage here.
Settings: Here you can manage all the settings of WordPress. Such as changing the site title, site address (URL), setting permalinks, etc.

We have learned about how to install WordPress, but after installing WordPress we get a default theme but that theme is not an optimized theme according to blogging, so we have to select a theme that optimizes our blog and our audience likes too.

Yes, but we also have to select a theme that has all the ingredients which is necessary for a professional blogger. Such as fast loaded, well optimized, SEO friendly, good looking to grab the user’s attention and concentrate it on the content.

Just as quality content and SEO are not sufficient to make a blog successful, similarly a good design is also included to make a blog successful. If you select a good design, then we get two benefits.

Helps in increasing traffic.
Can win the trust of the audience in first impression.
By the way, you will get to see thousands of free themes in WordPress, but it also has many restrictions. Which is not in a premium theme.

I am not saying that Free themes are not good for your blog. I know that a beginner blogger can’t initially invest in premium themes. But in that you have to select such a theme, in which all the quality given below is already present.

  1. User-friendly and eye-catchy: It is very important to have this quality in a theme. Which makes your audience’s attention go to the Theme. It should also be easy for the audience to use.
  2. Responsive and Compatible with all devices: Selected theme should support for all browsers and all devices. Because there is a lot of audiences who likes to watch blogs on mobile and in the current ratio, there are 40% desktop users, in which 60% are mobile users and similarly Google crawls only those sites which are responsive.
  3. SEO Ready: SEO friendly themes rank quickly in Google, so choose an SEO friendly theme.
  4. Easy To Customize: You should have full control over our theme. Like to change the layout of the blog, change the color, etc. and in most free themes, these options are less visible.
  5. Full Optimized: Some themes are such that there is a lot of code which is not used much. We need a theme that has very little code, well optimized and is fast loaded. So that there is no problem in ranking the site. It is very important to focus on the speed factor in optimization.

According to what I have experienced I am going to tell you some things why a free theme should not be used.

Complete control of the theme is not in your hands. Only used default functionality.
It is very difficult for a non-technical person to modify the code theme. Proper documentation is not available.
Not proper SEO friendly.
Restrictions to manage many things.
If these future problem occurs in theme then support is not available.
Themes are not optimized according to speed optimization.
Limited resources and functionality
If you want to create a professional blog then you have to select a premium theme but which is the best premium theme for any WordPress blog?

A lot of premium themes are available for WordPress but I will tell you the names of some such themes that I have used personally and they come in the popular list of WordPress and all the big bloggers are all making blogs with the help of these themes.

So the first name in our list comes GeneratePress. This is one of the easiest to use and customizable WordPress theme and comes with all the features you will ever need. Our site has been created with the help of GeneratePress.

You will get lots of customization options and with the help of which you can create a powerful blog.

Its special thing is that it is a lightweight theme, due to which its speed optimization and SEO optimization is so tremendous that in a few seconds your site is open.

It is a perfect Combination of Hostinger + GeneratePress = Fully SEO Friendly and Fastest loaded website

Here I see proof of speed optimization.

Website Score
After that we will talk about support. You will not believe me but their customer support is so powerful that any of your issues are solved immediately. You can directly contact them and within few hours they will help you.

I will also show you the proof of this.

GeneratePress Support Forum
We personally recommend the GeneratePress Theme to you.

Apart from this, we give you information about some of my favourite themes that we use personally.

Here, which I am going to tell you about such wonderful and fastest themes, these themes also provide you lots of customization options and Yes we recommend only those things to our readers which we have already used. Because the trust of readers is more important to us.

StudioPress Theme
StudioPress Theme
StudioPress Theme
Thrive Themes
StudioPress Theme
Astra Pro Theme
When you select or purchase a Theme, after that you get a .zip file. Which we have to install in WordPress, so let’s see how to install Free and Paid Themes on the blog.

First of all, you have to go to Dashboard ➡ Appearance ➡ Themes.

Install WordPress theme
Now you will see Add New button at the top, click it. After that a screen will open in front of you and you will see some popular themes.

Here I want to tell you something about theme installation. Here you can install the theme in two ways.

Upload and install the Theme by uploading the .zip file of the Theme.
Select and install themes in the WordPress inventory.
If you want to install Free Themes then simply click on WordPress theme to install and activate and if you buy a premium theme, then you will get a .zip file, you can activate it by uploading the theme in upload section.

Upload WordPress Theme
When you activate the theme, after that you have to customize it. For this, you can customize all the functionalities of themes by going to Appearance ➡ Customizes.

After setup and customize the WordPress blog, we will see the necessary setting in WordPress.

Here I will tell you some settings from basic to advanced which Blogger should do after installing WordPress. If you want to make a successful blogger, then this setting is important for us.

No one will tell you much about this settings but we will give you complete information about it.

The default settings of WordPress blog, optimizing WordPress and improving security is a bit difficult. After installing the blog, many questions will come to your mind like how to optimize a WordPress blog, how to set up a WordPress blog, how to increase the security of WordPress. So we will see the answers to all these questions.
I do not want the beginner blogger who is reading this post to get half the incomplete information.

So, let me tell you briefly here what setting we are going to do.

Website security
Some Essential Plugin For Your Blog
Website optimization
First of all, I will tell you about the basic setting. Which every blogger should do after installing WordPress.

  1. Delete the Default Admin Login and create a new Admin Login:
    This is a very important step that most bloggers ignore. After installing WordPress in your web hosting, you should do this work first. This is very important from the security point of view, otherwise, anyone can easily hack the WordPress site.

If you have selected custom username and password while installing the WordPress site, then you do not need to do anything and if you have not done so then you should change admin details.

Step 1: First of all you have to open your WordPress dashboard. After opening, you have to click on Users ➡ Add New.

Change WordPress Default Admin Setting
See the numbers that I have written in the images.

In the first box you have to enter your username. Keep Username a little unique.
Enter your email ID. Email should be in working condition. Because you will receive important messages at this mail ID.
Enter your name
Enter your surname
Enter the URL of the website
Now you have to generate a password. Password automatic will be created. You can see your password by clicking on show password and yes you save your password somewhere. You have to enter it when you login. In the future, you can also change the password.
Please tik for Email notification. So that you get all the information of WordPress on your email. Like if a user comments on your blog, then the notification will come to you immediately.
Select which permission is to be given to the user. In it select the Administrator role and click on “Add New User”.
Now your new user is added.

Step 3: Now your new Admin login has been created. Now you have to login again with your new user admin and password and go to the user section and delete the default admin user. After that, whatever post you publish in the blog, it will all be published in the name of the new user.

  1. Set Blog’s Title, Tagline, Site URL and Time Zone:
    This is also a basic setting but many bloggers forget to set it, after this setting your website / blog will look like professional. For this, first, you go to the Setting ➡ General.

WordPress General Setting
Site title: Add the title name of your website. The title of the site should be at least 40 to 50 characters.
Tagline: Write a description of your site in short.
WordPress address (URL): Set the URL for your website. You can set the URL with www, without www and http or without http.
Site address (URL): Type your WordPress URL.
Email address: Add your email address so that you want to control the site.
Membership: If you work alone on the site, then untick this option and if multiple author work on your site enable it.
New user default role: Select what role you want to give to the person who logs into your site. Here you can choose one of the Subscriber, Editor, Contributor, Author, and Administrator. Do not make anyone administrator by mistake otherwise, they can delete your blog.
Language: Default English (UK) be selected.
Timezone: Set timezone for your blog. If you are from India, you can set kolkata or UTC + 5: 30 time zone.

  1. Setup Permalink in WordPress:
    WordPress Permalink is very important according to your SEO. If you do not change your WordPress Permalink, then it can have a bad effect on your blog or website’s SEO.

Permalink Setting
All professional bloggers say that the default permalink of WordPress is not SEO friendly. SEO friendly permalink is such that after the address of the website there are keywords of the post and which are also easy to read and write.

Go to Settings ➡ Permalinks option and set the permalink URL as described in this screenshot below.

  1. Configure Reading Settings:
    Reading settings are necessary for what your visitors want to show on your site. As I have shown in the screenshot below, go to Settings ➡ Reading option and follow these steps.

Configure Reading Setting
Your latest posts: If you select this option, then the entire blog post will be displayed on your homepage.
A static page (select below): In Static page you will get two options. Homepage and Posts page. On homepage you can set up static homepage and in the same way you can set blog post in post page.
Blog pages show at most: Select how many posts to show on the blog homepage.
Syndication feeds show the most recent: Select how many posts to show in Blog RSS feed.
For each article in a feed, show: To show a full text post in RSS feed or select the summary of the post.
Search Engine Visibility: If you want to hide your site from search engines, then enable the option “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” otherwise leave it disabled.

  1. Install Google Analytics and Google Search Console:
    Google Analytics is the best option to track website traffic, it display the performance report of your blog and with the help of this you can also know from which country you are getting more traffic and there are many other things that You can learn with the help of Google Analytics.

Analytics are the best tool for optimizing website content and writing new content. With that you can also connect Google console. With the help of Google Search Console, you can know many other things like search status, crawl status.

  1. Delete the Default Content:
    When we install WordPress blog fresh, after that WordPress adds some default content such as posts, pages, comments, and categories to our blog as sample. You have to remove/delete all those default content.

To delete WordPress default content, you have to follow the steps given below.

First of all, you have to go to Posts ➡ All posts. After that, all the sample posts that are seen there have to be deleted, the sample comment which will be deleted automatically with that post.

Similarly, you also have to click on Pages ➡ All Pages and also delete all the sample pages there.

Not removing the default content from the website means making your site unprofessional.

  1. Create “About Us” and “Contact Us” pages in Blog:
    About Us and Contact Us pages are very important for your blog. Because of both pages you can connect with your reader. In the “About Us” page, you tell your reader about your blogging journey or your personal introduction. The better way you write about Us, the better you will get the benefit.

While writing the “About Us” page, you have to take care that “About Us” is writing for your reader and you only have to write about it.

A ‘Contact Us’ page is a page through which your visitors contact you. It depends on you how you want to contact your visitor.

  1. Submit Blog with Google Webmaster Tools:
    To show the website in google and other search engines, you will have submit your blog in this search engines like Google webmaster tool, Bing webmaster tool, Yandex webmaster tool, etc.

Google webmaster you can also submit with the help of Yoast SEO plugin and this is also easy. In the same way, if you install the jetpack plugin, then you can also submit the blog from google webmaster.

How to add Google search console to webmaster is given below.

You will get this type of verify code from google search console which you have to add to the blog.

Note: Your verify code will be different so replace below code with your web master code.

If you do not use Yoast SEO, then you have to add webmaster tool confirmation code in the direct blog between . To add verify code to the blog, you go to Appearance ➡ Editor and edit the header.php file.

  1. Use Content Delivery Network (CDN):
    A content delivery network (CDN) refers to a geographically distributed group of servers which work together to provide fast delivery of Internet content. CDN minifies all overloaded code of the blog such as HTML pages, javascript files, stylesheets, images and loads all assets on the quick internet. To minimize the distance between the visitors and your website’s server, a CDN stores a cached version of its content in multiple geographical locations.

The biggest advantage of using CDN is that when your server is down or offline, it shows the files of your site quickly to the audience browser.

Almost all the famous and most popular WordPress blogs you visit, they are use CDN service. For example, Copyblogger, ShoutMeLoud, WPBeginner, Neilpatel etc. This means that all your favourite bloggers use the content delivery network.

The best of CDN services is MaxCDN but it only provides paid services. If you want to use free CDN then CloudFlare will be best for you. They also provide Free SSL certificate along with Free CDN service. If you want to know how to setup free cloudflare CDN on the blog then read this article.

Note: If you are Siteground user, then you can setup Cloudflare in one click.

  1. Install Some Essential Plugin:
    After creating a new WordPress blog, you have some important plugins that you need to install. Here I tell you about some important plugins.

1) Yoast SEO: If we talk about ranking website / blog in search engine, then the most important thing for it is SEO (Search Engine Optimization). If your SEO is not good then you cannot get your blog ranked in the search engine. Yoast SEO plugin is the best plugin for doing SEO settings, it helps to rank your site in search engines.

Its best thing is that the features of its free plan are not less than the features of any paid plugin. Apart from Yoast SEO, you can also use the All in One SEO Pack plugin. But I would recommend you to Yoast.

2) Elementor Pro : Elementor Pro is a very powerful plugin with the help of which you can customize your home page and post. Our site also uses Elementor for Designing. It will provide lot of features for making a Userfriendly and Attractive design. To use them, you just have to drag and drop. After installing Elementor, it is shown in the visual editor itself. Where directly you can use it.

3) This plugin compresses and optimizes all the images in the blog. The load time of the blog increases due to having more size images. With this, the loading speed of your website is fast.

4) WP Rocket – WP Rocket is the best plugin to optimize 100% WordPress Blog . I have already written a review of this on the site. The speed factor is matter a lot in getting your site ranked quickly in google. There are many optimization plugins available like WP Total Cache, autoptimize but the site is not fully optimized by these plugins. That’s why I strongly recommend you to buy this plugin.

5) Contact Form 7: This is the most popular plugin of WordPress and with the help of this plugin you can create multiple contact forms and manage them so that your visitors can contact you.

6) Thrive Leads – If you want to build trust in traffic and audience on the blog, then thrive leads will be a best plugin for you. With its help, you can collect your readers’ emails and convert them into a customer. If you are thinking of selling digital product or affiliate marketing, then with the help of you can generate a good revenue. In this, you can also design Lightbox Popup, Content Lock, Info bar, Slide Content.

7) iThemes Security – If we talk about security then iThemes security is on No # 1 position, if someone tries to hack your site, then this plugin keep your total site secure.

8) Jetpack by WordPress: If you want a plugin in which you get many features, then you can use the Jetpack plugin, it provides you multiple features like post & comment notification, improve image loading, social share buttons, related posts. . This is All In one Pack.

9) Akismet: This plugin is the best to solve the problem of spam comments on your blog. Mostly users use akismet plugin for protection from spam commenting.

10) Click To Tweet: Click To Tweet is a very good plugin. You all know that in today’s date social media plays a very big role in traffic generation. With the help of Click to tweet, you can make tweet boxes for your blog which you can add anywhere in your according to blog post. This is a very powerful plugin for traffic generation.

11) Social Snap Pro: This is one of the best plugin for social media sharing. The free plugin is also available in it. With its help, you can drive good traffic in a less time on the blog. In this have many platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Pinterest, and many more platforms. We recommend that you to install your WordPress blog.

Step 8: Write and Publish Your First Impressive Blog Post
Right now our blog is completely ready to publish Post.

Writing blog posts in WordPress is very easy. But write a profitable blog is very tough. Because here WordPress provides you a visual editor with the help of which you can easily write your first impressive blog post.

I used the impressive word because you must have heard the first impression is last impression.

If you are a beginner and are going to write your first blog post, it should be so beautiful that once your audience reads it, they should feel like coming to your blog again and again.

How to add a post in WordPress?
First of all, you have to go to Dashboard ➡ Post ➡ Add New. When you click on Add New, a screen will open in front of you where you will see a Gutenberg block editor.

With the help of this editor, you can write your first blog post.

Here I want to tell you one thing that when you fresh install WordPress, then you get Gutenberg block editor to edit post in WordPress. Which was before that Classic Editor worked in WordPress.

As compared to Gutenberg block editor, Classic Editor is very user-friendly and clean layout.

So if you want to write a post in Classic Editor, then you should install this plugin first.

To install the plugin, you need Plugin ➡ Add New ➡ Search Classic Editor ➡ Activate

Write and Publish First Blog Post

Now let me give you the basic overview of all the necessary options available in your editor.

Post Title & heading: Here you can add the title of Post.
Permalink: Here you can set the URL of the post. You can edit URL from here.
Add Media: With its help, you can upload images, videos or PDF files in the post.
TinyMCE Editor: With the help of this tool you can styling post content. Such as set heading (H1 to H6), Alignment, Number list etc.
Visual / Text: Here you can write normal content in Visual and if you want to write content in HTML format then you can use Text.
Publish: The post you write in Visual Editor it can be saved or published here. In this, you will see three options.
Status: You can set the status of posts like Draft, Pending Review and Published
Visibility: Here you can set the visibility of the post. Like Public and Private
Publish: Here you can set the post Publish date.
Categories: From here you can add Post categories.
Tags: From here you can add Post Tags.
Here I give you some tips by which you can write an SEO friendly blog post.

  1. You have to know your reader mind:
    It is not a big deal to publish by writing posts while blogging. Anyone can do this, but while writing, you have to keep in mind that your article is liked by the readers or not. So therefore you must first know your readers what they want, their likes and dislikes, answer their questions, read their comments carefully and know what they want and write accordingly.
  2. Use Images and Videos in Content:
    You do not have to write only content in your blog, then you have to write content in such a way that your visitors understand it well. If you write only content in your article, then it may take some time to understand visitors. After all, what is this article about? But if you also use images with content in your article, then visitors can understand more quickly about your article.

Images and videos includes both in Rich media content. If you are thinking how to make an professional image for your content, then you do not need to worry, you can easily create high professional images for your blog content.

Photoshop is the best tool for making images. But if you do not have the knowledge of photoshop, then you can also do image editing by visiting This is an online software. Apart from this, if you want to find free images, you can go to freepik, pixabay.

  1. Write Useful Content:
    If you do not write useful content for the readers, then your post cannot come in google first rank. Google always gives first priority to only quality content.

Readers only read those content which is helpful for them. If you follow this in right way, then your blog will draw good traffic in a minimum time.

Benefits of writing useful content:

First of all, traffic will start increasing on your blog.
People will like your post so that you can also get good comments.
considers useful content as google high-quality content, so that your post comes in search engine.
If your post is helpful then people also share other people. With which traffic starts coming easily on your blog.

  1. Do Keyword Research for Blog Post:
    This is part of a SEO, so perhaps a beginner blogger gets confused how to do SEO in a blog post. So don’t worry, let me tell you in a simple way how to do SEO in a blog post?

Because If you thinking to your blog is stand first in google rank then keyword research is very important factor.

There are two types of Keywords

Short Tail Keywords
Long-tail keywords
Here I will explain with the example. let we searched in google how to start a blog in 2020 from scratch

Short tail keywords are those keywords in which only one and two words are included. Like here, Start blog is the short tail keyword. Short tail keywords monthly search and competition is very high.

If you are a beginner and if you are thinking to rank your blog post rapidly in google search engine then you can use long tail keywords. Because with the help of long tail keywords, you can easily rank a blog. Here how to start a blog in 2022 is your Long tail keyword.

You can find keywords using many tools like Google Keyword Planner – Free, SEMRush – Premium (My Favourite)

Here if you have to find long tail keywords, then use Keyword Everywhere chrome extension tool. This is free tool and every bloggers should use this tool.

Keyword Reaserch Tool
I think these tips will be very helpful for you to make an first impressive blog post.

Step 9: Make Money With Your Blog. [Proven Ways]
First of all, I will congrats you. Because here you have started writing your first blog post to become a successful blogger.

Many beginner bloggers have one question in mind how to start a profitable blog free and make money. Now I will tell you some ways with which you can easily start wishing money from blogging.

But these methods will work only when you can honestly do blogging.

There are many ways to earn money from blogging like AdSense, Advertisement, Affiliate Marketing Program, Viglink, Referral, Ecommerce Product Selling, etc.

  1. Paid Advertising:
    Ads play an important role in monetizing the blog. There are many advertising companies on the Internet that provide Ads. You can earn money by putting that ads in your blog. In which the most popular companies like Google adsense, Infolinks, Chitika, provide you ads.
  2. Sell Products or Courses:
    Here you can sell your self made product or service. For example, if you are a web designer, then you can earn money by creating someone’s website. In the same way, you can also sell online by making courses videos.
  3. Affiliate Marketing:
    This is the popular way to earn the more money in blogging. With the help of affiliate marketing, you can sell the products or services of others. When you help affiliate company to sell any products online to your audience, then according to per sell, that company gives you commission. You can get this commission from $ 10 to $ 200. Depends which affiliate program you join. Ecommerce websites like Flipkart, Amazon or any hosting company advertising affiliate program on your blog, you can earn a lot of money from this technique.

This is some ways with which you can easily earn money from blogging.

Frequently Asked Questions
1 I don’t have enough money. How do I get started?
You can start a blog for free. Many beginner bloggers are a little afraid to invest money in the beginning so that many of their investments do not go waste. But blogging is such a beauty that you can start without investing money.

If you follow all our given techniques properly, then in few minutes you can create a blog. Just I will say one thing that your time is more valuable than money in blogging. Your blogging future depends on how much time you give to blogging.

2 How many articles do I need to start a blog?
When you start blogging in the beginning, there is no limit to how many articles you should write.

You can also write 10 or 15 articles, but there should be quality in all these articles, otherwise, you will write 100 articles without quality, all of them are waste.

Because I have seen so many bloggers who are ranking their blog by writing only 10 or 15 articles. Best Example: Guideblogging

3 How many words should my articles have?
There is no rule for this, how many words article you have to write in your blog.
You can also write an article from 500 words to 10000+ words. There is no limit. But if we talk about SEO, then we need to write our article at least 1200+ words. Because it increases your chances of ranking is more.

4 How many times should I post per week?
It depends on your article writing, how much range of words articles you write and publish. Because there are many bloggers who publish daily by writing short articles.

It is not necessary that you have to publish 6 or 7 articles per week. You can also post 1 or 2 articles per week according to you. If I talk about my self then I publish 3 posts weekly and If this is pilar post then I will publish Weekly 2 Posts.

You can Plan to publishing your article on weekly basis. For this, I have given you strategies in the middle of the article, you can do perfect planning.

5 How much money will spend to start a blog?
If you are beginner blogger bloggers, then you can invest money to buy domain name and hosting. I will recommend you to use siteground for hosting. Initially, you may have to spend at least $5/per year for domain and $5/per month for hosting.

With that, if you have more money, you can buy some premium themes and plugins.

Fast loaded theme: GeneratepPress
WordPress Site Boost Plugin: WPRocket
Page Builder for Design: Elementor Pro (Recommend)
Fast Google Ranking: SEMRush (14 Days Free Trial)
Final Thought on How to start a Blog in 2022
I hope you like this post How To Start A Profitable Blog In 2022: Free Beginner’s Guide. Now if you have followed all our given steps carefully, so I don’t think you may face any problem while creating a blog.

Now when you have set up the blog, then you have to think about making the blog successfully. Here I have told you all the steps about building a blog website from scratch. You follow it and start your own blog.

Perhaps your blog traffic will not be received in the beginning don’t worry you have to be patient and keep blogging. You have to start blogging as a business only then you can earn a lot of money from blogging.

I still tell you that no one is successful in blogging in one day, for that, you may have to wait for 2 months, 6 months, or sometimes even 1 year. It all depends on your blogging techniques that how much time you grow in blogging.

Last, if you really want to make a career in blogging, then start working from the heart and work honestly. I guarantee you that no one can stop you from becoming a successful blogger.

Whatever techniques or tips related to blogging we have mentioned in this article, follow it carefully. So that you do not face any problem in creating a blog.

However, if you have any doubt or have any questions, just comment below rather than you can join our BloggingForest Facebook group or contact us by email. We will definitely try to answer your questions.

I wish you all the best for your blogging journey

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