Have you started a new website? Are you worried about how to take it into the search results on Google? Are you looking for a guide on Off Page SEO for your new website? Then here is the answer to all your problems. Today I am going to tell you how to do off page SEO Step By Step. This is a complete guide on how to plan a strategy for the off page SEO of a new site.

Search Engine Optimization is a vast field and Off-Page is its part. Before moving to off page SEO, you have to do the proper On Page SEO. Because there is no benefit of doing off-page SEO if your content is not well optimized. As if your website doesn’t have the quality content they will never return back to your site. So it is always important to have the proper content on your site, to grab the visitors attention and give them the result they are looking for.


So before starting with the How to do Off Page SEO for a new website guide, I want you to give some On Page SEO tips. And in case you don’t want to read them or you are good in On Page then you can use the “table of content” to slide down to Off Page strategy.


On Page SEO Strategy for a new website

The On Page SEO strategy begins with the installation of the content management system on your domain. And later on, it goes on and on with the every step that you take on the backend of your website, i.e. the dashboard.So here are some On Page SEO tips that you need to know before moving to the Off Page SEO.

WordPress Installation and make it SEO friendly

Every body knows or may be most of you know how to install the WordPress, but very few know how to make the WordPress SEO friendly.  It is evenly important to make the WordPress SEO friendly as it is for the content. You can check the complete guide to making WordPress SEO friendly in just six steps here.

Keyword Research

Before writing any article just do a proper keyword research on it. It will be very beneficial for you if you have a whole keyword chart in front of you before writing anything about a particular topic. It will give you the idea about how to use those keywords and what else you can add up to on your article so that it may explain the queries of the readers.

Writing Quality Content

After doing everything fine don’t let your readers return with a negative effect. Give them the reason to be on your blog, provide them with the solution of their problems. Tell them how to sort out that problem and if you are successful in solving their problem they will come back again and will bring much more with them.

To achieve this, you need to write a quality article. A quality content is just as a cornerstone content which tells everything about the topic. It describes what, why, how, pros, cons, and solutions to that particular problem. You can check how to write a quality content that stands out here.

Now, these are the three top priority On Page SEO techniques that one should definitely follow to make the readers happy and turn them into returning visitors.

So now let’s move to the main topic that is-

How to do Off Page SEO for a New Website

After you are done with the perfect On Page SEO techniques that your visitor will love your content once they make a visit, it’s time to invite them by performing some of the Off Page SEO techniques.

Here I will tell you the step by step what to do and how to do.

Start Blogging

When you start a new website for your business, then you want it to be in the search results from the very first day. But that is not going to happen and now what you have to do is to start blogging. Now don’t think about buying a new domain for that. You need to create a blog section on your website and start writing on it. You can start with introducing your company or business to the readers.

start blogging on how to do off page seo for a new website

You can do the writing work on your own if you love to write or you can hire someone who is good in writing on a niche related to your site. Blogging on a website gives you two benefits, it keeps the site regularly updated, and it adds the chances of being in the search engine.

Comment Backlinks

comment box

You started blogging, now, in the beginning, your site doesn’t have the right metrics or authority. So you need to get some authority and metrics to show to your readers. Always try to write an article with detailed information so that your reader doesn’t need to go anywhere else.

Now how to get those initial metrics and authority.

Comment Backlinks are the initial step to get them. All you need to do is to find out the sites where you can drop down a comment with your site’s link either in the website field of the comment box or by using the HTML code.

There are different methods for getting Comment Backlinks.Hit and Try Method

Hit and Try Method

This is the toughest way of all. Suppose you have a site of automobile niche. Now what you need to follow following steps:

  • Go to Google.com and search out anything latest related to cars, e.g. “2019 Porsche Cayenne.”
  • Now you will see many searches for this term. Now you have to visit each of the links and check whether or not there is any comment box with website field in there.
  • If yes, then you can simply write a comment, fill up your name, email ID, and most important the website in the website field.
  • Then submit. Now copy the URL of the site and note it down by pasting it in a notepad.
  • Check daily by visiting that saved link whether or not your comment is approved by the author of the site.

Drop My Link


It is another method for finding comment backlink blogs. You need to perform some simple steps to see some result.

  • Visit Drop My Link here.
  • SignUp for a free account there.
  • Now after signing up and confirming the account, you will see a page on the Drop My Link site.
  • There you have to choose the term to search, the category of links that you want to create (use comment) and footprints.
  • After that hit the search button and you will be taken to the search results.

CommentLuv Blog Comments

This is yet another method to create some quality backlinks. Some of the fellow bloggers use a plugin called “CommentLuv.” This plugin allows the visitor to comment and select the article of their blog to get linked to that comment.


All you need to do is just follow the regular comment backlink strategy. When the CommentLuv asks you to select your article to link. Then choose the one you want to get connected as a backlink on that comment.

These are some common and necessary comment backlinking practice. You can follow these to get the initial backlinks to your new website.

Social Profiles Backlinks

social media profile creation - how to do off page seo for a new website

Besides comment backlinking, the another regular strategy to get the backlinks that is, Social Profile Creation. This is another attractive and easy way to get the authority backlinks to your site. All you need to do is to find out the high authority social profile creation sites and place your site URL there on it.

  • Visit the sites.
  • Sing up for them.
  • Fill in the details.
  • Go to settings of your profile account.
  • Leave the site URL where it asks for the Website.
  • If the website box is not there then try to leave the URL in the “About Me” section.

Here are some of the Social Profile Creation sites with high Domain Authority (DA).

  1. https://www.zotero.org/
  2. https://about.me
  3. https://issuu.com
  4. http://en.gravatar.com/
  5. https://myspace.com/
  6. https://soundcloud.com/
  7. https://moz.com
  8. http://www.fanpop.com
  9. https://visual.ly/
  10. https://itsmyurls.com/

These are some of the High DA Social Profile Creation Sites. You can visit and create your profile there and enjoy the backlinks from authority sites.

Business Listing

If you have a business site, then this is another step that you can follow to grow the authority and ranking of your site. Business Listing is of two types one is the Local Listing and second is standard Business Listing.

Local Business Listing

As the name tells, Local Business Listing is an online place where you can enter or list your business. Here you have to put your business name, phone number, address, email ID and other details that help the user to contact you. There are many online sites in your local area that provide this facility of listing your business. Many of them are free services whereas some are paid too.

You can find the local business listing sites by just going to Google and search “List of local business listing sites in yourlocalarea.” Here you have to change “YourLocalArea” with the name of your area or city.

Then you need to write a headline for the business and choose the type of service you provide. After that, you have to give your contact details and other necessary things the listing site demands. Once submitted the ad will be displayed within a few minutes.

Standard Business Listing

This is similar to the local listing. The only difference is that here you need to list your business details to the business listing sites which are famous in your country. Because many people (including the local population of your area) don’t know about the local listing sites and they go for the standard sites they know.

In that case, your business needs to be listed on the standard business listing sites which are famous in your country. Similar to the local listing, some of the standard listings are free while some are paid. The procedure of listing the business is same for both.

Social Signals

After you create a new website or blog and put your first content on it, you need to share it soon. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. are very much in the trend these days. You can’t imagine life without these social networking platforms. These sites are not only the way for people to connect with each other. Business branding is also a part of it.

Manual Social Signal

As soon you complete the first piece of content on your site, share it on social networking sites like facebook, twitter, etc.

Create your brand pages on these sites and keep it up to date and members of the page engaged somehow. Every time you publish something on your site just don’t waste time and share it as soon as possible. In this fast moving social world sharing is caring for business. By sharing and getting likes, retweets, followers to your business page, it is getting the business branding.

People will come to know about your Business brand or Website brand, and also they come to know about the latest content on your site. If they love it, they will share it with their friends or public, and if the public likes it too, the sharing process will keep going. And this will lead to much brand engagement and will give your brand exposure.

You can take the help of facebook ads, twitter ads, Instagram ads to reach more and more people by setting ads manually.

Buy Social Signals

This is another way to get the social signals to your site. But don’t use this procedure on your brand pages on various social sites. Instead, use this for the new article that you publish on your site. If you want to rank a particular article, just write it and publish it. After that go to the sites like SEOClerks, Fivver, etc. and get the best social signal gig for that article.

You can choose the social signals too which means you can buy facebook likes, twitter retweets/likes, Reddit upvotes.

And your article will get the vast number of social signals. But do remember to buy social signals only never buy backlinks for your long term websites. And also buy the best gig by doing some research.

Buying backlinks for your main site will harm your website in future.

Forum Posting

Forum posting is another handy method to get the backlinks. After writing an article on your blog and sharing it on social sites don’t just sit back. Get yourself registered to some authority forums and daily visit them. By visiting, I mean to participate by sharing something or by asking any query and not just see what’s going on there.

Participate and try to help genuinely. Some forums allow to post a link, so, first of all, try to be regular on them and help some members out there. And then try to leave the URL there genuinely. Give your 20-30 minutes daily to three or four authority forums and try to be regular with them.

Here are some authority forums, some of them are do-follow too.

  • www.warriorforum.com
  • http://www.v7n.com/forums/
  • https://forums.digitalpoint.com/
  • http://affiliate-marketing-forums.5staraffiliateprograms.com/
  • https://forum.xda-developers.com
  • http://forums.seochat.com/
  • http://en.miui.com/forum.php
  • https://forum.filezilla-project.org/
  • https://www.sitepoint.com/community/
  • http://www.businessadviceforum.com/

So just get sign-up here and try to be regular on them and you will get a backlink sooner or later .

Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking has mixed reviews among the digital marketers and SEO analysts. Some of them say that social bookmarking is dead and has no effect on SEO of a site. On the other hand, some say that it is still alive and helps in SEO of a site if done properly.

Here are some of the Social Bookmarking sites that you can use to get the traffic to your sites.

  • http://www.stumbleupon.com/
  • https://www.reddit.com/
  • http://slashdot.org/
  • http://digg.com/
  • http://www.pinterest.com/
  • https://delicious.com/
  • https://www.tumblr.com/
  • https://www.diigo.com/
  • https://www.bibsonomy.org/
  • http://www.folkd.com/

These are some high authority sites where you can submit your sites for social bookmarking.

Social bookmarking helps the readers to bookmark any site that is submitted to that particular social bookmarking site. The website owners can present their sites to these bookmarking websites and give their sites the exposure. But you need to be careful while doing this because if not done properly it will lead to Google Penalty. Here are some things to take care of.

  1. Always complete the profile on the bookmarking sites.
  2. Don’t spam the bookmarking site by providing too many URLs from a single site in a day.
  3. Try to bookmark some sites too rather than leaving your sites for bookmarking from others.
  4. Try different and irresistible headlines for every bookmarking site.
  5. Variation in description and anchor text is also necessary that will save you from Google Penguin Penalty.
  6. Use a proper category to submit your URL.
  7. Like and Upvote other links too.
  8. Use proper tags.
  9. Keep the links of submitted URLs noted on a notepad and check back whether the link is approved or not.

So these are some of the things that you need to take care of while doing social bookmarking of your site.

Blog Submission

Blog submission is another Off Page strategy, and it gives the exposure to your blogs and promotes it. You can use them to submit your blog and in return get the backlinks from there. Here is the list of some high authority blog submission sites.

  • http://www.blogdire.com/
  • http://fuelmyblog.com/
  • http://blogville.us/
  • http://alltop.com/
  • http://www.blogflux.com/
  • http://www.blogcatalog.com/
  • http://www.bloghints.com/
  • http://technorati.com/
  • http://www.ontoplist.com/
  • http://www.blogarama.com/

Guest Post

Guest Post on how to do off page seo for a new website

This is the most trendy of all in the “How to do Off Page SEO for a new website guide.” Guest Post is a way of publishing your article on someone else’s site. It is the most common backlink strategy these days. People love to do the guest post to get backlinks. It is an easy but an efficient way to grab a quality backlink for your site.

There is a reason behind keeping this Guest Post Off Page SEO strategy to last. Many people love to accept the guest post on their sites. It helps them to get the high-quality content published on their site and enhance the authority. But the reason behind to keep it to last is that people love to accept the guest post from sites which have some authority.

So by performing the techniques like commenting, social profile creation, social bookmarking, blog submission you will get the authority metrics for your site.

And when your site has some good authority metrics then you can offer the guest post on some high authority sites. There are some factors that you have to keep in mind before doing a guest post for any site.

  1. Always check the DA of the site on which you are going to do the guest post.
  2. TF of the site needs to be good.
  3. Keep an eye on the spam score it needs to be maximum five.
  4. Age of Domain (AoD) also matters. If the site is old and has good metrics, it has a good authority too.
  5. Alexa Rank (AR) is another factor, but most of the industries great don’t consider it a major factor.
  6. Always do the guest post on the sites which have a DA higher than you (approx DA>20).
  7. Remember that relevancy is the key. So publish the guest post on the sites which are relevant to yours.

These are some of the factors that you need to keep an eye on while going for a guest post on them.

Wrap Up

This is the complete guide on How to do Off Page SEO for a New Website. In the wrap up I will like to mention the key points of the whole guide. But before that, I want to say that “Try to keep the ratio between do-follow and no-follow backlinks.”

The ration needs to be 6:4 in favour of do-follow. If you get a chance to get no-follow from a domain with 50+ DA, then go for it. Also, keep in mind that try to create backlinks from relevant sites as it will help to build authority for your site.

So follow the following techniques to get the backlinks and do the Off Page SEO for a New Website.

  • Start Blogging –  Blogging is an efficient way to get the backlinks for your business website. It also helps you to get ranked for many keywords.
  • Comment backlinks – It is an initial stage of creating backlinks. At the beginning of your site, go for the comment backlinks.
  • Social Profile Creation – Social Profile creation is a simple way to grab the backlinks. All you need to do is to create the profile on a high authority site and submit your sites URL there.
  • Business Listing – If you have a business website then it is the best way to get backlink and business exposure too.
  • Social Signals – In this fast-moving social world, the social presence of the brand/site is also necessary. So you can get the social signals by manually using Facebook ads, or you can buy the social signals too.
  • Forum Posting – Daily spend 20-30 minutes on different authority forums and try to help other members. Then when you become a regular member there try to leave your link genuinely.
  • Social Bookmarking – It is an excellent way to give your site an exposure that it deserves. Social bookmarking do provide exposure and traffic to your site. But read the thing to keep in mind before doing social bookmarking.
  • Blog Submission – This is an effective way to get the backlink and traffic to the site.
  • Guest Post – It is the most common and widely used backlink strategy these days. And the benefit is that it gives you the do-follow backlink from the site on which you do the guest post.

So this is all about How to do Off Page SEO for a New Website. You can also use the techniques like Infographics Submission, PPT, SlideShare, PDF submission techniques. But these techniques are useful if your site has PDF/PPT/Infographics etc.

In case I forget to mention any strategies on How to do Off Page SEO for a New Website then feel free to mention it in the comments section below. It will help many newbies on their way to blogging journey.


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