Google Adsense Approval 2023 Tips

Google Adsense Approval 2023 Tips

Google Adsense Approval is the tricky part these days for any newbie blogger. It is a lifeline for almost all the bloggers out there in the blogosphere. Every blogger tries to get the Google Adsense approval for his/her site. But not everyone is so lucky to get the approval.

Recently, I got too many queries about this approval thing. So I decided to write a complete guide on Google Adsense Approval.

I am not going to waste your time by telling What is Google Adsense? Because you know it very well. That is the reason you are here as you are not getting approval or you are going to apply for it.

First of all, always remember that you are not the only one who is getting the rejections from Google. There are many like you who are not able to get the approval.

I started my journey with Adsense in 2023 and to be honest, I got the approval within fifteen days of starting the site. And due to lack of knowledge about it, I got it banned. But my journey doesn’t stop there as I tried again and got approval for Google Adsense on a new domain.

I don’t know it was my bad luck or what but it again got banned.

Back then it was somewhat easy to get the Google Adsense approval. The only thing that matters back then was domain age. But if you have quality content by your side even the domain age doesn’t matter.

Slowly and peacefully, Google changes the Adsense policies. It becomes tough to get the approval, and at the same time, it is quite easy too if everything will be done properly.

So if you are not getting approval then don’t feel depressed. It happens with many, it even happened to me, and today I have many of them.

In this article, I am going to share “A 5 ingredients recipe for Google Adsense approval on new sites.”

But before moving to that let me tell answer some initial questions that you have in mind.

Google Adsense Approval FAQs

Does domain age matter for getting approval?

Do you hear it or read it somewhere that a domain needs to be 6 months old for getting approval? If yes, then let me tell you that it is not necessary to have a six months old domain to get approval.

You can get approval on a six days old domain too, just like I got 


 (lucky me 



Is there any age bar for applying for Adsense?

Yes, there is an age bar for applying for Adsense. You need to be at least 18 years old in the eyes of Google. And I think you know how to do it and how to create a Gmail ID if you are not 18 yet.

Is there any number of articles that need to be active on site before applying?

Many say that there needs to be at least 20+ or 30+ or even 50+ active articles on your site. But that’s not the truth. You don’t need any particular number of articles on your site before applying for Adsense.

Now let us move ahead with the “5 ingredients recipe for Google Adsense approval.”

5 ingredients recipe for Google Adsense approval

So here is the special guide for you to get your Google Adsense account approved. As per my experience, there are only five important things that can be the cause of rejection or approval of the account.

And that is the reason I have given the name as “5 ingredients.”

You will find hell lot of factors on the Adsense Guideline page. But to be honest, I never read any of them and focused on the basics that Google needs from a website.

And this guide about Google Adsense approval is based on my experience that has given me many Adsense accounts and also to my friends.

So here we go with the guide.

Niche and Domain

These are the primary and essential ingredients for the Google Adsense Approval. If they are not used correctly, then all others are worthless even if done with best possible care.


So first comes the Niche thing. Do you ever hear that Google loves and hates some of the niches?

Yes, it is true. The niche such as Health, Education, Finance are loved by the search engine giant. On the other hand, it hates the niche related to Porn, Gambling, Download, Free Streaming, etc.

So never go for the niche that Google hates. Many of you have a question in mind that you saw many of such niche sites with Google Adsense ads on them. You are right but either they are the Adsense accounts approved on some other sites, or it can be bought by the owner.

And if the owner of the site has got the approval somehow then there is always a risk of getting it banned by Google.

That is why it will always be better to go with niches like –






How To

Blogging, etc.


Now comes the other part, that is Domain. Just like niche, domain is also crucial to get the Google Adsense approval.

Some people start blogging with a mindset of getting everything for free. But always remember it’s hard to get the approval with such free things especially the free domains.

These days people are going for domains with .tk, .ml, .cf, .ga,,, and many more free domains.

The free domains are very hard to get the approval. I can even suggest that there is hardly any chance for getting approval with them. But still, some people use these free domains to get the approval and then sell that account to a needy blogger. And that needy blogger buys the account and then one day the account got banned.

That is why it is always suggested that use the top level domain extensions (TLDs Extensions). The best examples arelike .com, .org, .net, .ca, .in, and many others are there.

They are the web2.0 or subdomains and are safe ones to use, unlike the free domains.

Theme and Navigation

The second ingredient in the list of five is Theme and Navigation. After you select the niche for your site and domain tld, then the next step is to choose a perfect theme.

To get the approval, you need to keep your theme simple and easy to navigate. Google prefers a site with clean navigation.

Google Adsense approval can be easy for you if you choose a responsive theme for your site. Apart from being responsive, the theme that you use on your site needs to be fast.

Besides, the menus on your site are created in such a way that the user can easily navigate throughout the site.

Google always pay the importance to the user experience. So it is very important that the theme on your site should give every user a great experience.

I hope many of you know what a responsive theme is but if you don’t, then I am explaining it in short here. A responsive theme is one which is user-friendly. Also, a responsive theme automatically adjusts its size as per the size and resolution of the screen of the device on which it is opened.

For a fast, easy to navigate, SEO friendly, and responsive theme you can choose a theme from these-

Studio Press

Theme Forest

My Theme Shop (MTS)

These are some of the best theme providers over the internet.

For better navigation, you have to choose the menu of your site accordingly. Also, you can interlink your articles to one another. But keep it simple for the user as “User is God.”

A few Important Pages

When your Google loved niche and tld domain based site is ready with the responsive and fast theme you need a few important pages for Google Adsense Approval.

This is the third ingredient, and it is as important as the above two. This element includes a primary factor that not only provides you approval but also helps you to gain authority for the site.

About Page

This is the first page that you need to create on your new site. As the name suggests, about page can be filled with the information about your site. The information about your site includes the what about the site is, who is the owner, and every team member (if your site has any).

This will help your readers to know about the site and the team/mind behind it.

Contact Page

Contact Us page is another important and much-needed page to get the approval. Not only for getting the approval but it is also important to get the feedback from the readers of your site.

In case any of your reader needs to give you any feedback or want to contact you then he/she can use this page.

It is also a valuable page if one day some company or any other third party want to communicate with you for a paid work.

Privacy Policy

It is the most important page that your site needs badly before applying for Google Adsense. So it is always better to have a privacy policy page on your site.

Many people or newbie bloggers don’t create this page on their site because they don’t know what and how to write it. But if you don’t have the privacy policy page on your site then there is hardly any chance of getting the approval.

If you don’t have any idea about this page, then you can just create an automatic privacy policy page for your site.

All you need to do is to go to “” and create your free privacy policy from here.

So these are a few Important Pages that your site needs badly for getting the Google Adsense Approval. 

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