3 Painless Ways To Significantly Improve Your Online Sales

3 Painless Ways To Significantly Improve Your Online Sales

Profitable online marketing needs a substantial variety of skills, but in the rush to develop an online business, a few of the basics end up getting neglected and these can result in a noticeable difference to the success of your entire venture.

So here are 3 of the top internet marketing strategies to increase your sales and boost your website’s profits:

1. Start By Grabbing Your Visitor’s Attention:

Getting your visitor’s attention is your main priority. You only have between 3 to 5 seconds to get this – any more and in many instances they will go somewhere else and you risk having missed the chance completely.

Including an appealing title to your content is critical if you wish to persuade them to read what you have got to say. The difficulty is that they will not react to your message, no matter how well written it is, if they don’t look at your website’s content to start with. So in addition to getting hold of their attention, you then need to make the rest of your feature as fascinating to read as you can so that they remain captivated all the way through to the finish.

Bullet points and lists are always in demand in internet marketing as they are uncomplicated to read and can be looked through rapidly by someone who is in a rush. The prospect of a free report, video or downloadable e-books will routinely grab their attention too.

2. Look At The Layout Of Your Website:

WordPress is a great resource when it comes to developing a blog, but as more and more online marketing specialists get to grips with how to use it themselves, the general functionality and design of some websites can suffer.

This can result in some blogs looking chaotic, with too many banners, widgets and other options all vying for the attention of your potential customer. This makes for a confusing layout that does not steer the visitor in the direction you want and can therefore lead to wasted opportunities.

A good website design will be crisp, easy to navigate, clean, functional and will point your potential customer in the right direction. For example, you may want to capture their email address in exchange for offering them a free downloadable product of some sort. Or steer them in the direction of a sales page instead. A good blog format will help make this achievable, while a bad design will leave your customer with no clear direction.

3. Capture Your Customer’s Email Address:

Typically, no more than 5% of your blog’s readers will pay for anything on their first visit – and the total is in fact frequently appreciably smaller than this. So it becomes increasingly important to capture your reader’s email details so that you can keep in touch and email them extra products and promotions in the future.

The easiest technique to do this is to offer a free downloadable e-book, video, short report or something comparable that is seen to have some real appeal and value. A product they really want in other words. They furnish you with their email address and their consent to be sent new offers from you and in return, you offer them the free product they are after. So both sides are happy.

This service is not complicated to offer through your site and will make a substantial difference to your sales if you approach it properly. Yet I frequently notice internet marketing websites that do not offer this facility.

They count on a potential customer purchasing what they are looking for at the first visit and as a result, lose out on the longer term, bigger picture. After all, at least 95% of their readers are not going to purchase anything first time round – and that is a wasted opportunity in most people’s books.

These 3 areas provide a golden opportunity for you to grow your online sales and by adjusting your blog to include them, you will spot a worthwhile jump in your conversions – and therefore of course, your profits.

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