
15 rules to follow on google adsense not to get banned

15 Rules to follow on Google adsense not to get Banned

First of all, Google Adsense is very strict on their rules. Google AdSense is a very popular blog monetization tool because it is easy to integrate a variety of ads into your website or blog, and it’s easy to join the Google Adsense program, and also it will not take large space in your website or blog. Most the people will like to use google Adsense. One of the biggest reason to use AdSense is its pay more money than other ads company. However, you should know some rules of Google Adsense unless you will ban from the Adsence program and make no money at all. Here is “15 rules to follow on google AdSense not to get banned”

1. Don’t boost clicks artificially.

There are many ways that Adsense publishers can artificially boost their AdSense ads which appear on their website or blog. If you visit a number of the times to your website or if you click on your ads then your website or blog will be considered spam and they will ban your site from the Google AdSense program.

Unfollow these methods.

Telling your friend and surround people to click on ads link on your blog.

Self-clicking on ads on your blog yourself.

Joining in the group of the bloggers where each people will click on each other’s blogs.

2. Display less than 3 ads on one page

Your website doesn’t put more than 3 ads that your blog will see as full of ads. In you blog if you display more ads then your Google adsense account will be banned. So that write good content and place ads in middle of your article that can get more clicks to your ads.

3. Write original content don’t copy

In Google adsense, they have strictly said that copying the content from other websites or blogs to your site will consider your blog as spam. So write your own content.

4. Don’t create more than one Adsense account.

Example= If you created two separate Google Adsense accounts and publish ads from both two accounts in the same blog because to post more ads, your blog is a violation of Google policies. However, you can add multiple blogs to a single Google Adsense account.

5. Don’t try to Trick visitors into Thinking Adsense Ads are not Ads.

Hiding text link ads within the content of your blog post to attempt to make people think they are not ads. Bottom line; don’t try to disguise ads to increase clicks.

6. Don’t use any other ad service on your website while using Google Adsense.

7. Don’t pay for viewers. There are many websites that increase traffic to your website. Don’t use these methods just to attract users by writing good articles.

8. Don’t use copyrighted images. Only use your own image or royalty-free image.

9. Never tell your friend to click on your ads. Google Adsense use very sophisticated artificial intelligence program to track user mouse pointer location on the page. Using mouse pointer behaviour it decides whether its fake or legit click

10. Do not change Google AdSense ad code.

11. Don’t use pornographic materials on your blog

12. Always use 100% original content.

13. Don’t post or host content related to cracking software, piracy, hacking etc.

14. Write original article. Don’t write false article

15. Don’t put more than 3 ads on page your blog

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